For this assignment, we are asked to find a liminal condition on the central campus of UNAM. When looking through Google Earth and Google Map, I found this place around the science building.
I think this is a transitional space because the science building has divided the site into two area. By crossing under the building, people are connected to another space that feels differently. Additionally, the stair in the building provides people not only horizontal transition, but also in a vertical way.
This is the new film that I created for "Creativity." For the previous creativity film, I show information on how people think about creativity, and how being creative is good; however, in this new film, I try to show what I think about creativity, and what results of being creative and not creative will lead us to.
This is a shorten version of the film, and I created it by showing what I think is the most important part of creativity.
This is how I analyzed my film. I have a map of the world that is not clear of where the continents' borders are to show that being creative in different ways will change our world differently.
For the images, they are organized by the intertitles. Each intertitles are surrounded by the images that related to them.
Something I will make this presentation better next time is to map out where the images belong on the map to show what is happening where.
For this new assignment, we were asked to shorten our video into four to five minutes. I cut out some of the path that was originally too long, and I changed the music to fit the film better.
This is the board that I did to diagram out how the film is structure. I incorporate a larger scale map of my path to school on the left and a detail map of RWU. On both of the map, I show the path of how I get to the school. Additionally, I draw the path in different lines to show where did I drive and where did I walk.
The images are in the sequence of my path. It starts from the left and ends on the right. Each images are connected to the path to show where they are taken from, and wherever the images start to curve, the path curves as well.
If I can make my board better next time, I would make the lines more organized because it is a little bit hard to see the lines clearly.
For the second film, we have the choice of doing whatever we want, and we are suppose to collect different sources and combine them into a film. I decide to make my film on the topic of creativity.
In making this film, I downloaded about four to five videos of what people think about creativity, and I also found some pictures of creative designs. For the first part of the film, I took different sections of the films and combine them with one another to explain what is creativity. In the second part, I showed all the pictures of creative ideas.
After the desk crit, one of the suggestion to make my film better is to incorporate more about what I think about creativity, and not just about how other people think. Additionally, the second part of the film gets boring because it is too long; I should break them up and place them at different parts of the film.
In order to improve this film, I am going to redo this it by showing more about what I think about creativity. To do this, I think doing a brainstorm of what creativity means to me will help.
For the first film, we have to videotape it by ourselves, and it has to related to architecture. Therefore, I decide to film the path of my home to architecture building. However, I decide to film the path in a snow day to show how the path is "regular/different."
When first time filming, I filmed the video in a vertical way which lead me to the decision of filming everything again in a horizontal orientation. I have one of my friend drove the car, and I filmed the path from my house to the architectural building.
In the film, I start with the sound of closing and locking the door. Then I walk to the car and film the path to the school. I get down from H-lot where I usually park and walk to the architectural building.
I use imovie to make my film. I think the hardest part of making this film is choosing the music that fits the film. After having desk crit, I am going to stabilize my film more, so people do not get too dizzy when watching. Additionally, I will have to incorporate other musics, so the music does not repeat too often throughout the film. Lastly, I am going to turn the sound of the wind down because it is way too loud right now.
This is 2 pages of 19"x24" analysis of the film Manhatta. Since the film is about a typical day in Manhattan, I organized my posters chronologically from left to right. I decided to place the intertitles above the images of different views to the city because those intertitles served as guides for viewers to know what to look for. The images that I had chosen are the ones that I think best represent the intertitles. Below the images, I did some diagrams to show the relationship of the intertitles and the pictures. I included a view and a plan of the city at the bottom of the pages, and on the plan, I pointed out the locations of where some of the images take place.
What I learned from this project are being able to present the analysis of the film more clearly on the presentation boards and give reasons of why you did it. When doing the project, the most difficulties that I had was thinking of how to organize my board will be the best way to represent the film. After watching my other classmates' film and presentations, something that I would do differently next time is paying more attentions to the diagrams that I did and incorporate with more three dimensional diagrams.